"2001: A Space Odyssey" theme. Kubrick was all about symmetry, simplicity, stillness, and patience from shot to shot, moment to moment, so I tried to stay away from busy effects, graphics, and transitions. It's pretty straightforward. Folks unfamiliar with the film won't appreciate the stylistic references.

The intro is a bit long and dramatic (ala the opening and closing sequence in "2001"), but heck, it's the big finale, right? I think it's still shorter than the Napoleon Dynamite intro.

All typeface and music are ala the film.

I used as many color pics as I could find to help separate this video from the others. There were a few hi-rez in the lot and you can tell a huge difference between those pics. Ironically, some of the pics from older decades look better in quality on screen because of the hi-rez scans. In general, there wasn't a lot of room for general pics from the decade since the segments were so specific. I like specific.

I transferred and combed through hours of video and used as many clips as I could.

In the end, we finally see Ralph (narrator), after all this time, on the monitor of the ship's transmission. I used footage from HCT's "Singing in the Rain" video.